A method
that encourages you to select and pay for items to be used
for your future funeral needs at today’s costs thereby
relieving your family of the necessity to make these
decisions during a very difficult time.
process that allows you to select items and services for
your funeral needs while you are living but postpone payment
until the services are needed.
Disciples of Love
(A Membership
“It is the
purpose of the Modern Disciples of Love through its
fraternal side to develop among its members a true
friendship and brotherly love that will cause each community
in which it is operating to realize the true merits for
which the order stands
Its chief
aim in addition to the monetary side is to promote Charity
and Benevolence, to relieve the suffering of the sick, the
burden of the widows and orphans, and to improve the moral
and religious standard of its members. It strives to teach
the lessons of true manhood and unity in every community.”
(“Introduction” Ritual Modern Disciples of Love,
Disciples of Love final expense policies offer members an
economical way to provide for their final expense needs. A
small monthly premium based on a preset total amount is paid
each month until the time of need. When a death occurs
these funds are paid directly to King’s Funeral Home for the
deceased member. |